Friday, February 17, 2017

Handling The Lasso

Last time focusing on this guy:

The final part of this graphic is my favorite thing to do: lassoing extra pictures. 

Adding Jim from The Office and the thumb emoji are extra touches that can be put into a graphic in order to make it stand out more. Is it necessary? No. Can it be overdone? Yes. Use this with caution. 

You can find a picture to use and simply put it on the main graphic like we did with the player photo. The downside to this is a less clean look and more empty space. By taking out a background and white border, it allows the pictures to be worked in seamlessly. 

Let's start by being on the Magnetic Lasso. There are several different lasso options but this one will be good for starters. The magnetic lasso sticks to the color scheme it is working on and cuts out what is needed. 

In this case, the fact that the thumb emoji is yellow and the background is white is helpful. In order to get this outline I did not even have to focus on where I was moving my cursor. Once you close off the lasso, right click the picture and make a Layer via Copy. This will cut out just the thumb like seen below:

You can make the background layer invisible and then have the ability to move the thumb isolated on it's own to the main graphic. 

Another way to use the lasso can be shown with The Office picture. While the magnetic lasso is helpful, it can also pick up on the wrong colors and outlines. In order to make it's job easier you can also take out the background in another way. 

Choose to change the lasso to the original Lasso Tool. From there pull up the picture you will be working with. 

The Magnetic Lasso tool will have issues catching bigger pictures sometimes. By using the Lasso Tool, you can take the background out first by outlining what you want to get rid of and deleting it.

Keep going with this until you are able to isolate more of the picture to allow the magnetic lasso to work more. The reason I keep going back to the magnetic lasso is because of the convenience. In order to make it look more professional, the magnet picks up more and I don't have to worry about my hand cutting off some of the picture while it is shaking. 

To learn more about the lassos check out this video

From there you can just add the pictures to the graphic! Again, look into different blending options when adding the pictures to give the graphic more depth. 

Now that we have the first graphic set- it will be easy to change things out with some organizing and movement! 

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